Clarity and the Lexicon

Rebecca Scarborough (U. of Colorado, USA)
06 November 2015, 14h0015h30

Speech produced in the context of real or imagined communicative difficulties is characterized by hyperarticulation. Phonological neighborhood density, which represents a type of lexical difficulty, conditions similar patterns in production : Words with many neighbors are hyperarticulated relative to words with fewer. In this talk, I will present data from several studies detailing these neighborhood effects, looking at patterns of coarticulation as well as hyperarticulation, and looking at them in both English and French. And I will compare the effects that arise in communicative contexts to those that arise due to lexical conditions, both in terms of their realizations and in terms of their consequences for perception. I will argue that the particular patterns of results suggest that neighborhood effects, like clear speech effects, may be listener-directed.

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