The interaction of segmental and prosodic structure in speech production

A comparison of syndromes and an investigation of auditory rhythmical priming effects

Nom du projet : The interaction of segmental and prosodic structure in speech production : A comparison of syndromes and an investigation of auditory rhythmical priming effects.

source de financement 
 : DFG, German Research Council

Responsable : Pr Wolfram Ziegler

Responsable LPP  : Simone Falk, LPP

durée du projet  : 2014-2019

Résumé :

The project addresses how speech rhythm and meter impacts the accuracy and fluency of speech production in adult speakers with acquired language and speech disorders (apraxia, dysarthria, aphasia). Two questions will be addressed :
(1) Do patients with phonological, phonetic, or dysarthric impairment profit, in their speech production, from auditory priming by speech with a regular intrinsic rhythm ? This research question interlinks the motor with the sensory domain and hooks up with theories according to which speech motor planning and coordination results from a rhythmical “entrainment” of articulatory gestures.
(2) Is the advantage of regular speech rhythm confined to impairments at the motor planning stage of speech production (i.e., apraxia of speech), or does it also apply to phonological encoding impairments (lexical, post-lexical) or to impairments of speech motor execution (dysarthria).