Présentation et contact
Bowei Shao a fait sa thèse à l’Université Sorbonne Nouvelle – Paris 3, sous la direction de Rachid Ridouane.
Bowei Shao obtained his PhD at Université Sorbonne Nouvelle – Paris 3, under the supervision of Rachid Ridouane.
last update – 01/09/2024
Find more about me on My Website
Email : No spaces, lower-case: bowei dot shao @ sorbonne-nouvelle dot fr
Adresse postale : Laboratoire de Phonétique et Phonologie, 4 rue des Irlandais, 75005 Paris
Journal articles
Shao, B., Hermes, A., Buech, P., Giavazzi, M. (under review). Articulatory spill-over effects of lexical stress in Italian and their phonological implications. Journal of Phonetics.
Shao, B., & Ridouane, R. (2023). On the nature of apical vowel in Jixi-Hui Chinese: Acoustic and articulatory data. Journal of the International Phonetic Association, 53(3), 977-1002. doi:10.1017/S0025100322000196
Conference proceedings
Shao, B., Buech, P., Hermes, A., Giavazzi, M. (2023). Lexical stress and velar palatalization in Italian: A spatio-temporal interaction. Interspeech2023. Dublin, Ireland, 1833-1837.
Shao, B., Buech, P., Hermes, A., Giavazzi, M. (2023). Stress conditioned phonological process: a case study of Italian palatalization. 20th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS XX), Prague, Czech Republic, 2189-2193.
Faytak, M. Shao, B. Douanla Taffre, A. Tschonghongei, N. C. (2023). Frication and formant frequencies in the Mundabli high vowels. 20th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS XX), Prague, Czech Republic, 3438-3442.
Shinohara, S., Shao, B. (2023). An acoustic study of the fricative vowel in two endangered Ryukyuan languages. 20th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS XX), Prague, Czech Republic, 3317-3321.
Shao, B., Ridouane, R (2021). ‘Apical vowels’ are not vowels: acoustic and ultrasound evidence from Jixi-Hui Chinese. Proc. 12th International Seminar on Speech Production, 110-113. (hal-03598741v1)
Shao, B., Ridouane, R (2020). La « voyelle apicale » n’est pas une voyelle : étude acoustique et articulatoire de la voyelle apicale en chinois de Jixi. Proc. XXXIIIe Journées d’Études sur la Parole, 579-587. (hal-02798589v3)
Shao, B., Ridouane, R. (2019) Apical vowels in Jixi-Hui Chinese: an articulatory study. 19th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS XVIIII), Melbourne, Australia. (halshs-03153054v1)
Shao, B., Ridouane, R. (2018). La « voyelle apicale » en chinois de Jixi : caractéristiques acoustiques et comportement phonologique. Proc. XXXIIe Journées d’Études sur la Parole, 685-693, DOI: 10.21437/JEP.2018-78. (hal-03598743v1)
Conference communications
Shao, B., Hermes, A., Buech, P., Giavazzi, M. (2023). Velar palatalization in Italian: Lexical stress induces resistance to sound change. HISPhonCog2023. Seoul, Korea.
Faytak, M. & Shao, B. (2022). Fricative vowels are noisier in crowded vowel spaces. LabPhon18. Online.
Shao, B. & Faytak, M. (2022). Degrees of frication in three Chinese varieties’ fricative vowels. Linguistic Society of America 2022 Annual Meeting. Washington DC, USA.
Shao, B. & Ridouane, R. (2018). On the nature of ‘apical vowel’ in Jixi-Hui Chinese. LabPhon16. Lisbon, Portugal.
Cours donnés à l’ILPGA – Université Sorbonne Nouvelle-Paris 3