Jiayin GAO

Profil/About me

[English below]

Je suis chargée de recherche au CNRS depuis le 1er janvier 2023.

Ma recherche tourne autour de la question des variations des poids des indices pour marquer une opposition phonologique en fonction de la structure linguistique (telle que position prosodique et contexte vocalique/consonantique) et des facteurs liés aux locuteurs (tel que genre, âge et stratégie individuelle…). Je me suis notamment intéressée à comment un indice secondaire peut prendre le dessus et remplacer l’indice primaire, ce qui pourrait mener à un changement de son. J’ai ainsi recueilli des données articulatoires, acoustiques et perceptives qui pourrait aider à mieux comprendre une évolution tonale connue sous le nom de « bipartition tonale ». Il s’agit d’un changement de son où une opposition de voisement a été remplacée par une opposition de registre tonal haut versus bas, comme cela s’est produit en chinois. Je m’interroge sur le statut des indices dits « redondants » qui étaient des indices importants auparavant mais tendent à disparaître de nos jours, dans des langues sino-tibétaines (shanghaïen, tamang). J’examine également des mécanismes qui pourraient provoquer un renforcement d’un indice secondaire dans des langues non tonales (japonais, français) (tels que position prosodique, adaptation perceptive, similarité auditive, rendement fonctionnel).

I am a junior researcher at CNRS since 1st January 2023.

My research bears on the variations of cue weights in signalling a phonological contrast according to the linguistic structure (such as prosodic position and vocalic/consonantal context) and speaker-related factors (such as gender, age and individual strategy…). I was particularly interested in how a secondary cue can take over and replace the primary cue, which could lead to sound change. I thus collected articulatory, acoustic, and perceptual data, which could contribute to a better understanding of a tonal evolution known as « tonal split ». This is a sound change whereby a voicing contrast has been replaced by a high versus low tonal register contrast, as happened in Chinese. I ask about the status of the « redundant » cues/features that were dominant previously but tend to disappear nowadays, in Sino-Tibetan languages (Shanghainese, Tamang). I also examine mechanisms that could cause the enhancement of a secondary cue in non-tonal languages (Japanese, French) (such as prosodic position, perceptual adaptation, auditory similarity, functional load).

Productions principales

quand j’ai à raconter et quand j’ai du temps, sinon ce serait du …



  • Gao, Jiayin & James Kirby. Accepted. Laryngeal contrast and sound change: The production and perception of plosive voicing and co-intrinsic pitch. Language. [preprint]


  • Gao, Jiayin & James Kirby. 2023. Perceptual adaptation to altered cue informativeness: Distributional, auditory, and lexical factors. In R. Skarnitzl & J. Volín (eds.), Proceedings of the 20th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences. 161–165. Prague: Guarant International.
  • Arnold, Laura, Jiayin Gao & James Kirby. 2023. Intrinsic fundamental frequency differences in two tonal Austronesian languages. In Radek. & J. Volín (eds.), Proceedings of the 20th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences. 3345-3349. Prague: Guarant International.
  • Hallé, Pierre, Rachid Ridouane, Philipp Buech, Jiayin Gao, Yueh-chin Chang & Feng-fan Hsieh. 2023. Perception of Tashlhiyt consonant quantity contrasts by native vs. nonnative listeners from three languages. In R. Skarnitzl & J. Volín (eds.), Proceedings of the 20th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences. 2130-2134. Prague: Guarant International.
  • Elmerich, Amélie, Jiayin Gao, Angélique Amelot, Lise Crevier-Buchman & Shinji Maeda. 2023. Combining acoustic and aerodynamic data collection: A perceptual evaluation of acoustic distortions. Proceedings of Interspeech 2023. 3078-3082.


  • Gao, Jiayin & Martine Mazaudon. 2022. Flexibility and evolution of cue weighting after a tonal split: An experimental field study on Tamang. Linguistics Vanguard 8. 583–595. [link]
  • Hallé, Pierre, Laura Manoiloff, Jiayin Gao & Juan Segui. 2022. Monitoring internal speech: An advantage for syllables over phonemes? Language, Cognition and Neuroscience 37. 22–41. [link]


  • Gao, Jiayin, Jihyeon Yun & Takayuki Arai. 2021. Korean laryngeal contrast revisited: An electroglottographic study on denasalized and oral stops. Journal of the Association for Laboratory Phonology 12. 1–29. [link]
  • Erickson, Donna, Jihyeon Yun, Jiayin Gao & Kerrie Obert. 2021. Interaction between phonation mode and pharyngeal narrowing: A pilot EGG study. Proceedings of the 12th International Seminar on Speech Production. (Oral presentation.) Virtually Providence, USA.
  • Gao, Jiayin. 2021. The listener as a source of sound change: between theory and experiment. Oral presentation at 5th Edinburgh Symposium on Historical Phonology. Virtually Edinburgh, Scotland, UK.
  • Gao, Jiayin & James Kirby. 2021. Perceptual equivalence between prevoicing and pitch: implications for sound change. Poster presentation at the 4th Phonetics and Phonology in Europe conference. Virtually Barcelona, Spain.
  • Gao, Jiayin, Jihyeon Yun & Takayuki Arai. 2021. Domain-initial denasalized and oral stops in Korean: the role of voice quality. Oral presentation at the 4th Phonetics and Phonology in Europe conference. Virtually Barcelona, Spain.


  • Gao, Jiayin, Pierre Hallé & Christoph Draxler. 2020. Breathy voice and low-register: A case of trading relation in Shanghai Chinese tone perception? Language and Speech 63. 582–607. [link]
  • Kirby, James, D. Robert Ladd, Jiayin Gao & Zuzana Elliott. 2020. Elicitation context does not drive F0 lowering following voiced stops: Evidence from French and Italian. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 148. EL147–EL152. [link]
  • Yun, Jihyeon, Janice Wing Sze Wong, Jeff Moore, Junya Iwakami, C. T. Justine Hui, Jiayin Gao & Takayuki Arai. 2020. Korean and Japanese listeners’ perception of /ma/ produced by a mechanical vocal-tract model. Acoustical Science and Technology 41. 697–700. [link]


  • Gao, Jiayin & Takayuki Arai. 2019. Plosive (de-)voicing and f0 perturbations in Tokyo Japanese: Positional variation, cue enhancement, and contrast recovery. [Best Early Career Scholar’s Article]. Journal of Phonetics 77. 1–33. [link]
  • Gao, Jiayin, Jihyeon Yun & Takayuki Arai. 2019. VOT-F0 coarticulation in Japanese: Production-biased or misparsing? Proceedings of the 19th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, 619.1–5. (Oral presentation.) Melbourne, Australia.


  • Gao, Jiayin & Takayuki Arai. 2018. F0 perturbation in a “pitch-accent” language. Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Tonal Aspects of Languages, 13.1–5. (Oral presentation.) Berlin, Germany.
  • Gao, Jiayin & Takayuki Arai. 2018. Is Japanese a true voicing language? So much we know, yet so much to learn about [voice]. Poster presentation at the 16th Conference on Laboratory Phonology. Lisbon, Portugal.
  • Gao, Jiayin & Takayuki Arai. 2018. Revisiting laryngeal features with a dynamic approach. Oral presentation aux 16èmes Rencontres du Réseau Français de Phonologie. Paris, France.


  • Gao, Jiayin & Pierre Hallé. 2017. Phonetic and phonological properties of tones in Shanghai Chinese. Cahiers de Linguistique Asie Orientale 46. 1–31. [link]
  • Landron, Simon, Jiayin Gao, Yueh-chin Chang & Yuan Tian. 2017. Les sinophones. Dans Sylvain Detey, Isabelle Racine, Yuji Kawaguchi & Julien Eychenne (Eds.) La prononciation du français dans le monde : du natif à l’apprenant, pp. 193-199. CLE-International. ISBN: 978-2-09-038241-9.
  • Gao, Jiayin & Martine Mazaudon. 2017. Relative use of de-phonologized cues in perception of tones in Tamang (Nepal). Proceedings of 2017 Seoul International Conference on Speech Sciences, 86–87. (Oral presentation.) Seoul, South Korea.


  • Gao, Jiayin. 2016. Sociolinguistic motivations in sound change: on-going loss of low tone breathy voice in Shanghai Chinese. Papers in Historical Phonology 1. 166–186. [link]
  • Gao, Jiayin & Pierre Hallé. 2016. Prosodic organization and microprosodic effects in Shanghai Chinese. Poster presentation at the 15th Conference on Laboratory Phonology, Ithaca, USA.
  • Hallé, Pierre & Jiayin Gao. 2016. Shanghai Chinese obstruent durations vary with voicing: A phonological or phonetic effect? Poster presentation at the 15th Conference on Laboratory Phonology, Ithaca, USA.


  • Gao, Jiayin & Pierre Hallé. 2015. The role of voice quality in Shanghai tone perception. Proceedings of the 18th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, 448.1–5. (Oral presentation.) Glasgow, Scotland, UK.


  • Gao, Jiayin. 2014. Production and perception of Yang tone breathiness in today’s Shanghai Chinese. Oral presentation aux 27èmes Journées de Linguistique d’Asie Orientale. Paris, France.


  • Gao, Jiayin & Pierre Hallé. 2013. Duration as a secondary cue for perception of voicing and tone in Shanghai Chinese. Proceedings of 14th Interspeech, 3157–3161. (Oral presentation.) Lyon, France.
  • Gao, Jiayin, Maximilien Guérin, Viola Allegranzi, Marie Rivière, Laetitia Sauwala, Camille Simon, Marie Viain & Lin Xue. (Eds.) 2013. Actes des 16èmes Rencontres Jeunes Chercheurs en Sciences du Langage : Modèles et modélisation dans les sciences du langage. [link]


  • Gao, Jiayin & Pierre Hallé. 2012. Caractérisation acoustique des obstruantes phonologiquement voisées du dialecte de Shanghai. Actes des 29es JEP-TALN-RECITAL, 57–64. (Poster presentation.) Grenoble, France.
  • Georgeton, Laurianne, Nikola Paillereau, Simon Landron, Jiayin Gao & Takeki Kamiyama. 2012. Analyse formantique des voyelles orales du français en contexte isolé: à la recherche d’une référence pour les apprenants de FLE. Actes des 29es JEP-TALN-RECITAL, 145–152. (Poster presentation.) Grenoble, France.


  • Gao, Jiayin, Pierre Hallé, Kiyoshi Honda, Shinji Maeda & Martine Toda. 2011. Shanghai slack voice: acoustic and EPGG data. Proceedings of the 17th International Congress of Phonetic Science, 719–722. (Oral presentation.) Hong Kong, China.



Courriel :
jiayin (point) gao (at) cnrs (point) fr

[remplacer les textes entre () par ce qu’il faut]

(Pour la petite histoire, le « .1 » dans l’adresse SN est sans doute parce que je suis la 2e personne qui porte ce nom à l’université, après une ancienne thésarde, qui était moi-même dans le passé.)

Adresse : Bureau 214, Maison de la Recherche, 4 rue des Irlandais, 75005 Paris