Rachid Ridouane

Présentation et contact

Rachid Ridouane est Directeur de Recherche au CNRS.

Email: rachid . ridouane (at) sorbonne-nouvelle . fr
Tel. : +33 (0) 1 87 27 29 44
Adresse postale: Maison de la Recherche, 4 Rue des Irlandais, 75005 Paris


last update – 13.dec.2019

Profil et recherches

Je suis linguiste, Directeur de Recherche au CNRS et Chargé de Cours à l’Université Sorbonne Nouvelle-Paris 3.
Je travaille essentiellement dans le cadre de la Phonologie de Laboratoire, sur la théorie de la syllabe (en m’intéressant plus spécifiquement aux cas des syllabes sans voyelles), la gémination consonantique, et les articulations laryngales. Mon principal domaine d’expertise est la phonétique et la phonologie du tachlhit, langue amazighe parlée au Maroc. Mes autres sujets d’intérêt comprennent la phonétique du mehri, une langue sud-arabique moderne, ainsi que la phonétique et la phonologie du langage sifflé. Également intéressé par la théorie des traits distinctifs, j’ai été co-éditeur de ‘Where do phonological features come from?’ et ‘Features in phontics and phonology.

I am a linguist, Director of Research at the CNRS and Adjunct-Professor at the Sorbonne Nouvelle-Paris 3 University.
I mainly work within the Laboratory Phonology framework, on syllable theory (focusing on syllables without vowels), consonant gemination and laryngeal articulations. My main area of expertise is the phonetics and phonology of Tashlhiyt, an Amazigh language spoken in Morocco. My other topics of interest include the phonetics of Mehri, a Modern South Arabian language, and the phonetics and phonology of whistled speech. Also interested in feature theory, I was co-editor of ‘Where do phonological features come from?‘ and ‘Features in phonetics and phonology‘.

Curriculum vitae


Selected publications
Ridouane, R., & Cooper-Leavitt, J. (2019). A story of two schwas: Production study from Tashlhiyt. Phonology 36(4), 433456.
Ridouane, R., & Turco, G. (2019). Why is gemination contrast prevalently binary? Insights from Moroccan Arabic. Radical: A Journal of Phonology 1, 62-91.
Ridouane, R. Meyer, J., & Turco, G. (2018). Length contrast and covarying features: Whistled speech as a case study. Interspeech 2018, Hyderabad, India.
Ridouane, R. (2017). La syllabe en tachlhit: une cause célèbre en phonologie et en phonétique. Bulletin de la Société Linguistique de Paris, t. CXII, fasc. 1, 375-404. DOI: 10.2143/BSL.112.0000000
Ridouane, R. and Gendrot, C. (2017). Acoustic investigation of ejective fricatives in Mehri, a South Arabian language. Brill’s Journal of Afroasiatic Languages and Linguistics 9, 139-159.
Ridouane, R. & Hallé, P. (2017). Word-initial geminates: from production to perception. In Haruo Kubozono (ed.), Phonetics and Phonology of Geminate Consonants, 66-84. Oxford Studies in Phonology and Phonetics – Oxford University Press.
Ridouane, R. (2016). Leading issues in Tashlhiyt Berber phonology. Language & Linguistics Compass 10, 644-660. DOI: 10.1111/lnc3.12211
Hallé, P., Ridouane, R., & Best, C. (2016). French perception of Tashlhiyt Berber geminates: duration-based versus beat-based timing. Frontiers in Psychology 7:209. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2016.00209.
Lahrouchi, M., & Ridouane, R. (2016). On diminutives and plurals in Moroccan Arabic. Morphology 26 (2), 1-23.
Grice, M., Ridouane, R., & Röttger, T. (2015). Tonal association in Tashlhiyt Berber: Evidence from polar questions and contrastive statements. Phonology 32 (2), 241-266.
Ridouane, R. (2014). Tashlhiyt Berber. Journal of the International Phonetic Association 44, 207-221.
Ridouane, R., Hermes, A., & Hallé, P. (2014). Tashlhiyt’s ban of complex syllable onsets: phonetic and perceptual evidence. STUF – Language Typology and Universals 67 (1), 7-20.
Ridouane, R., & Fougeron, C. (2011). Schwa elements in Tashlhiyt word-initial clusters. Journal of Laboratory Phonology 2, 1-26.
Ridouane, R., Meynadier, Y., & Fougeron, C. (2011). La syllabe : objet théorique et réalité physique. Faits de langue 37, 225-246.
Ridouane, R. (2010). Geminates at the junction of phonetics and phonology. Papers in Laboratory Phonology 10, 61–90.
Ridouane, R. (2008). Syllables without vowels: Phonetic and phonological evidence from Tashlhiyt Berber. Phonology 25, 1-39.
Ridouane, R. (2007). Gemination in Tashlhiyt Berber: An acoustic and articulatory study. Journal of the International Phonetic Association 37, 119-142.
