Jinyu Li

About Me


I am currently a postdoctoral researcher at the Phonetics and Phonology Laboratory (LPP – CNRS/Sorbonne Nouvelle) within the PASDCODE project.


My PhD research subject focused on the interaction between rhythmic structure and sense of agency in speech production.


Current research interests: speech motor control, speech rhythm, phonetic alignment, inter-speaker variability, speech signal processing, psycholinguistic


Contact : jinyu.li(at)sorbonne-nouvelle.fr

Address : Maison de la Recherche, 4 Rue des Irlandais, 75005, Paris


Publications and communications


  • J. Li and L. Lancia, “A multimodal approach to study the nature of coordinative patterns underlying speech rhythm,” in Interspeech 2024, Kos, Greece, 2024.
  • J. Li and L. Lancia, “Speech rhythm as a coordinative system stabilizing speech production in auditory feedback perturbations,” in 13th International Seminar on Speech Production (ISSP), Autrans, France, 2024.
  • L. Lancia, J. Li, and L. Goldstein, “Linking levels of prosodic structure to modulatory activity in speech production,” in 13th International Seminar on Speech Production (ISSP), Autrans, France, 2024.
  • J. Li and L. Lancia, “Are you sure it’s your voice? Exploring the relations between phonetic alignment and sense of agency,” in 9th Joint Action Meeting, Budapest, Hungary, 2023.
  • L. Lancia, J. Li and C. Fougeron, “How speech rate, syllabic complexity and diversity affect the emergence of speech rhythm in speeded syllable repetition,” in 20th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (ICPhS), Prague, Czech Republic, 2023.
  • J. Li and L. Lancia, “Effects of delayed auditory feedback interacting with prosodic structure,” in Speech Prosody 2022, Lisbon, Portugal, 2022, pp. 317–321. doi: 10.21437/SpeechProsody.2022-65.
  • J. Li and L. Lancia, “Restructuration rythmique de la parole produite sous feedback auditif retardé,” in XXXIVe Journées d’Études sur la Parole — JEP 2022, ISCA, 2022, pp. 559–568. doi: 10.21437/JEP.2022-59.
  • L. Lancia, J. Li, and C. Fougeron, “Unveiling the coordinative role of prosody in speech production through multiscale analysis of the modulatory activity underlying speech production,” in 8th International Conference on Speech Motor Control, Groningen, the Netherlands, 2022.
  • J. Li, « Speech temporal control modulated by prosodic factors and sense of agency », in Summer School Coping with the complexity in speech production and perception, Chorin, Germany, 2022.
  • J. Li and L. Lancia, “Speech production in response to multiple perturbations of auditory feedback,” in 12th International Seminar on Speech Production, Online, 2020.
  • J. Li and L. Lancia, “Production de la parole en réponse à de multiples perturbations du feedback auditif,” in Actes de la 6e conférence conjointe Journées d’Études sur la Parole (JEP, 33e édition), Traitement Automatique des Langues Naturelles (TALN, 27e édition), Rencontre des Étudiants Chercheurs en Informatique pour le Traitement Automatique des Langues (RÉCITAL, 22e édition). Volume 1 : Journées d’Études sur la Parole, Nancy, France: ATALA et AFCP, 2020, pp. 370–378.
  • L. Lancia, J. Li, and L. Goldstein, “Complexity patterns underlying speech production activity,” in 12th International Seminar on Speech Production, Online, 2020.
  • L. Lancia, J. Li, T. Chaminade, N. Nguyen, and L. Prevot, “Manipulating verbal interaction via artificial agents to study inter-speaker coordination,” in Social cognition in humans and robots, Hamburg, Germany, 2018.


Curriculum vitae


  • 04/2024 –  Postdoctoral researcher (Ingénieur recherche)
    • Laboratoire de phonétique et phonologie (CNRS/Sorbonne Nouvelle) and Laboratoire Parole et Langage (CNRS/Aix-Marseille Université)
    • Project: Prosody as a Dynamic Coordinative Device (PASDCODE)
  • 05/2022 – 08/2023 Design Engineer (Ingénieur d’études)
    • Laboratoire de phonétique et phonologie (CNRS/Sorbonne Nouvelle) and Laboratoire Parole et Langage (CNRS/Aix-Marseille Université)
    • Project: Prosody as a Dynamic Coordinative Device (PASDCODE)
  • 07/2020 – 11/2020 & 03/2021 – 08/2021 Design Engineer (Ingénieur d’études)
    • Université Sorbonne Nouvelle
    • Topic: Coordination in verbal interactions (Labex EFL – Strand 1: Phonetic and phonological complexity)
  • 05/2019 – 05/2020 Design Engineer (Ingénieur d’études)
    • Laboratoire de phonétique et phonologie (CNRS/Sorbonne Nouvelle)
    • Project: Motor Speech Disorders (MoSpeeDi)
  • 07/2017 – 09/2017 Design Engineer (Ingénieur d’études)
    • EuroMov Laboratory at the University of Montpellier
    • Main tasks: Analysis of speech data collected in studies on the relationship between rhythmic abilities and speech in subjects with language and/or motor disorders


  • 2018 – 2023 PhD in phonetics, phonology and speech science
    • Laboratoire de Phonétique et Phonologie (CNRS/Sorbonne Nouvelle)
    • Research topic: Interaction between rhythmic structure and sense of agency in speech production
    • Committee: Pascal Perrier (Grenoble INP/Université Grenoble Alpes), Louis Goldstein (University of Southern California), Noël Nguyen (Aix-Marseille Université), Corine Astesano (Université Toulouse – Jean Jaurès), Yao Yao (Hong Kong Polytechnic University), Leonardo LANCIA (supervisor), Cécile FOUGERON (supervisor)
  • 2016 – 2018 MA in Linguistics (specializing in language acquisition and pathologies)
    • Sorbonne Nouvelle University Paris 3
    • Research topic of second year: Imitation of Mandarin Chinese F0 contours by French-speaking women in verbal interaction (with highest distinction)
    • Research topic of first year: Study of synchronized speech: comparison between synchronized speech and speech produced through imitation (with highest distinction)
    • Supervisor: Leonardo LANCIA, Simone FALK
  • 2014 -2016 MA in Applied French Language (specializing in French for Professional Purposes)
    • Sorbonne University



  • 04/2023 Introduction to Bayesian Data Analysis, openHPI [online education]
  • 07/2022 Coping with the complexity in speech production and perception, Chorin, Germany [Summer School]
  • 06/2022 International Conference on NeuroSpeech, Cologne, Germany [online]
  • 11/2020 Applied Machine Learning in Python, University of Michigan, Coursera [online education]
  • 11/2020 Introduction to Data Science in Python, University of Michigan, Coursera [online education]
  • 09/2020 Statistic with Python Specialization, University of Michigan, Coursera [online education]
  • 11/2018 Workshop Dynamical Systems Theory for Phonetic Sciences by Pr. Khalil Iskarous (University of Southern California), Universität Potsdam, Berlin, Allemagne


  • Languages
    • Mandarin and Wu: native speaker
    • French: fluent
    • English: fluent
  • Computer skills: Python, R, Praat